Research has shown that living with purpose increases overall well-being and life satisfaction, improves mental and physical health, lowers risk of cognitive decline, betters sleep, enhances resilience and self-esteem, and decreases chances of anxiety and depression. In fact, recent findings show that those who embrace purpose as a driving force in their daily lives add an average of seven years to their life expectancy.
But finding our unique purpose can be difficult and overwhelming in today’s ever-expanding, hyper-connected reality, with mobile technologies literally putting the world with all of its problems and possibilities into our hands.
This brings us to a most critical question of our time: In a world beset by distraction and inundated with countless causes, how do we discover our own, unique purpose?
Helping to find answers to that question is the purpose of this book.
Drawing on the living wisdom, teachings and example of one of the greatest spiritual leaders and teachers of our time, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, its perspectives and practical wisdom are offered to help ignite, internalize, and actualise your blessed mission in life, so you can reap the ever-unfolding joy and benefits of living with and on purpose.